Dog Room Shift Log

To write a volunteer log, scroll down to “Leave a Reply” and enter your name, shift worked, and your comments. For privacy’s sake we’ve removed phone numbers as these pages are able to be seen by the public.  See contact list posted in room for contact info

Dog Room Coordinator
Concerning the Shift/Dog Room, Scheduling:  Chyanne Edgar,

Dog Medical Coordinator
Julie Amador, / 2nd: Charles Beard  / 3rd:  Amanda Jones  

Dumped Animals Contacts

Dogs, Elise, 2nd Julie, 3rd Jamie
Cats, Michelle Soileau or Charles

Communications, Email Lists, If Can’t Reach Others
Kelly Hohenberger,


We always want everyone to feel fully comfortable and confident in us and encourage a Doors Always Open Policy for all members of the organization and encourage you to let us know of any questions, concerns, complaints, etc, that you may have.  That said we do recognize that not everyone wishes to speak up for fear of consequences and wanted to give you a way in which to relay your message anonymously.    We do ask for name and email, but that is only if you wish, and remind you that if we don’t have your information we cannot answer your query directly.  Further, you should know that if you do report something against someone for inappropriate behavior that disrupts the organization or endangers the dogs, your information would be kept private from the accused regardless of if submitted anonymously or not.

Things to Remember: Updated 2/21/18

  • NO human food is to be given to any dogs, EVER.
  • Pick up all food bowls by end of shift and wash out, unless directed specifically to do otherwise. This is in the Dog 101, it encourages grazing. Give them the shift to eat, if they do not, pick it up.
  • All clips should be clipped in the back of the runs for the water bowls at all times.
  • Slip leads or leashes must be used at all times to bring dogs in and out from the yards.
  • KONGS: Do not stuff the Kongs with food, this causes an issue where rancid food is left in them for days which is disgusting and  could cause a digestive issue. If a Kong has ANY damage, throw it out, this poses an obstruction issue if the dog breaks off pieces and swallows it – Proper cleaning method is by soaking in bleach water in the sink and then rinsed until there is no bleach smell. Do not leave the toys to soak between shifts. They need to be cleaned, rinsed and laid out to dry.
  • Please turn off the large fan, dishwasher, washer, and/or dryer whether or not the clothes/dishes are done when you leave. It is a fire hazard to leave them on unattended. If a cycle of the dishwasher is unable to be run, please hand wash the dishes in the bathroom and lay out on a towel over one for the wire crates to dry for the next shift. Please do not leave an excessive amount of dishes for the following shift.
  • A Note on Doggy Field Trips: Please contact Julie and/or Chyanne for doggy field trips.  We and the dogs would LOVE for more people to take our pups out on field trips. To dog friendly coffee shops or restaurants, the park if appropriate, etc, we just need to know ahead of time and make sure they don’t have appointments etc, that it’s appropriate for that specific dog, that you have the code to get in and out and that you’re fully trained. ALWAYS remember to note it in the log below with your name, the dog or dogs you’re taking, and a phone number you can be reached at. Remember only one dog per person, if you plan something for multiple dogs there must be one handler per dog, approved by us.

If you cannot reach her and need to speak to someone immediately
call Charles Beard. Contact info is posted in the room.

Be Sure Your Post Has Posted, and Use to post your entries.

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Cori Friday 5-8 p.m.
Cori Friday 5-8 p.m.
July 26, 2024 7:52 pm

Messes pups, Maple, Bobbie and Karin. Very wet and muddy night. Everyone ate. Meds were given except for Karin, there was not a pill for her. Eric came and picked up Cecilia during the shift. Chores done.

Elise Fri am 7:15 - 10:45
Elise Fri am 7:15 - 10:45
July 26, 2024 10:37 am

Messes: Noodle, Karin, Bobbie, Maple, puppies.
Chores done, meds given, 1 load dishes and 1 load laundry completed, yards scooped, poop bags to dumpster, donations processed.
Everyone ate well except for Cecilia who ate about 1/3. Left bowl in her kennel.
Changed out fly catcher.
Recycling emptied and bin to curb.
Norma Jean was playing with the ball and then took a running tackle at me. No problem, just fair warning that she was rowdy.
Lots of outside time, loves given as time allowed.

Joseph Thurs pm 4:15-700
Joseph Thurs pm 4:15-700
July 25, 2024 6:44 pm

Messes: Candy Pups, Bobby, and Noodle
Everyone ate except for Cecilia
Meds given
Kennels Cleaned
Dishes washed and put up
Concrete cleaned.

Chyanne thurs am
Chyanne thurs am
July 25, 2024 7:29 am

Dogs fed and medicated
Separated the pups again. They smeared poop all over their kennel. They need to adjust without having a playmate as well seeing as how they are most likely going to be adopted out separately.
Karin completely covered her box in poop and pee and needs to be thrown out
Cece is staying with us until sat. She can go in the yard

Erica ,Shirley, and Paige-Wed., 3:35PM-7:00PM
Erica ,Shirley, and Paige-Wed., 3:35PM-7:00PM
July 24, 2024 6:58 pm

Messes: Pups, Topeka, Bobby and Karin, Noodle ( pee on her bed x3)
Med: Given
Food: Everyone ate quickly
Dishes cleaned and put up
Laundry can load more
Shelter swept
Major downpour so limited “wet” outside time
Brushed : Jack, Gwen, Buddy, Norma, Topeka and Bobby–quick walk for Jack with sprinkles
Yards scooped and bags to the dumpster
Iso bleached and sprayed clean
Water for first messes
All Bleach bottles refilled
Last minute breaks and treats

Elise Wed. am 7 - 11
Elise Wed. am 7 - 11
July 24, 2024 10:48 am

Messes: Norma Jean, Noodle, Karin, Bobbie, Topeka, puppies. Chores done, meds given, 1 load dishes completed, dryers emptied and 1 load laundry completed, yards scooped, poop bags and iso trash to dumpster, Iso’s bleached/rinsed. Everyone ate well. Teddy’s incision has a tiny bit of bleeding, but doesn’t look infected and the bruising has really gone down. Took his cone off to eat but on the rest of the shift. Put another water bowl in there in case he can’t reach the other one. Moved the two remaining puppies together per Julie. PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK THE MEDS ON YOUR SHIFT. A… Read more »

Sarah and Jalyn Tues 5-7:15 pm
Sarah and Jalyn Tues 5-7:15 pm
July 23, 2024 7:12 pm

Messes: Karin, Teddy, Bobbie, Topeka, Noodle, puppies
Meds given
Teddy had some yellow bile in his run
Laundry is dirty
Dryers need to restart
Thanks Savannah for coming and walking Buddy and Gwen!
I wasn’t feeling well so we left a little early. Finished chores super quickly today though so we still had time to play with a few of the pups!

Chyanne Tues am
Chyanne Tues am
July 23, 2024 2:42 pm

Dog fed and medicated

Savannah and Olivia Mon PM 445 - 750
Savannah and Olivia Mon PM 445 - 750
July 22, 2024 7:50 pm

Messes: puppies, Bobbie, Noodle (pee on the bed), Karin, Topeka Meds given. We took off Teddy’s cone for like 10 minutes while he was outside to give him a break but he started itching again, so we put it back on. Chyanne said we could take it off periodically while we are here Chores: dishes ran, emptied, and loaded. Yards scoop and outside and inside trash taken out. Driers emptied. Not enough laundry for a load until the end of the shift Walk for Topeka because she seemed a little anxious Noodle has been refusing to go out lately. We… Read more »

Chyanne Mon am
Chyanne Mon am
July 22, 2024 8:28 am

Dogs fed and medicated.

KhaLaayah Sun PM 5-8
KhaLaayah Sun PM 5-8
July 21, 2024 7:54 pm

messes: noodle, bobbie, karin, puppies, topeka
meds given
dishes loaded
teddy’s incision is a little red
let the play groups out and they did very well!
buddy refused to go outside

Joe Sun AM 8-11:0
Joe Sun AM 8-11:0
July 21, 2024 11:19 am

Messes: Puppies, NOrma, Bobby, Karin, Teddy
Meds given.
Everyone ate.
Cleaned as much as I could in the time.
Laundry started in drier might need more time.
Dishes run.

Kelly and Syreeta 7/20
Kelly and Syreeta 7/20
July 20, 2024 7:58 pm

Messes: everyone except Buddy and Norma Jean
Meds give and chores done.
Kelly H took Hershey to foster.
Snickers was adopted
Laundry washed; dishes done

adoptions: jamie ashley lisa mirat
adoptions: jamie ashley lisa mirat
July 20, 2024 6:50 pm

Saturday adoptions: Snickers was adopted and little Hershey’s going home with Kelly for foster.

Chyanne sat am 9-12
Chyanne sat am 9-12
July 20, 2024 12:20 pm

messes: puppies, Noodle, Karin, Bobbie (held it in until the very end), Maple meds given yards scooped, iso cleaned Teddy’s incision looks like its getting infected. Julie said to keep a cone on it and monitor. It should only be taken off to eat and maybe during the shift. Make sure it is on When you leave though. Monitored Jack and Noodle outside. They seem fine but we should make sure they are only outside together when under supervision or checking up on them every few minutes. Jack seems to be still a little salty over the ass beating he… Read more »

Cori Friday 5-8 p.m.
Cori Friday 5-8 p.m.
July 19, 2024 7:57 pm

Messes puppies, Teddy, Karin, Bobbie, Hershey and Topeka. Chores done. Everyone ate except Hershey, only half. Rainy night. Buddy freaked and wouldn’t eat. Luckily it cleared up around 7 so he ate and went outside. Good night if a bit rainy.

Elise Fri am 7 - 10:45
Elise Fri am 7 - 10:45
July 19, 2024 10:41 am

Messes: Noodle, Karin, Bobbie, Topeka, puppies.
Chores done, meds given, 1 load dishes and 1 load laundry completed, yards scooped, poop bags to dumpster, Iso’s bleached/rinsed.
Everyone ate well.
Buddy had some yellow/bile vomit in his kennel this morning.
Topeka’s stool was soft but pretty normal.
Maple, Teddy and Hershey dropped off by Connie after spay/neuter yesterday. They didn’t have any meds. Teddy has a lot bruising on his genital area, but doesn’t seem to be bothered by his surgery.
Cooler but rained all morning. Buddy was stressed, so gave him a Trazodone.

robert thurs pm 4:30-6:45pm
robert thurs pm 4:30-6:45pm
July 18, 2024 6:43 pm

messes: Gwen, topekia, the puppies, and noodle
meds given and dogs fed
chores done and dishes washed
ISO cleaned

Chyanne Thur am
Chyanne Thur am
July 18, 2024 1:01 pm

Dogs fed and medicated
Topeka had diarrhea

Erica,Shirley,Paige WED 3:30 -7:10PM
Erica,Shirley,Paige WED 3:30 -7:10PM
July 17, 2024 7:08 pm

Messes; Puppies, Karin, Bobby, Noodle (PEE on her bedX2), Topeka(soupy light brownish stool x3)
Meds: Given
Food: Everyone ate well
Chores done
Dishes-cleaned and put up
Landry can load more
Yards scooped; bags to dumpster
Swept the shelter
Iso’s and patio bleached and sprayed clean
Jack med sheet indicated no am meds given for Mon, Tue or today?
Walk for Jack-cuddles for Teddy, Maple and M&M
Lots of short in and out breaks for all
Last min breaks and treats

Chyanne Thur am
Chyanne Thur am
July 18, 2024 1:01 pm

I must’ve forgotten to initial it as well on Mon and Tues morning.

July 17, 2024 10:16 pm

I gave Jack’s Zyrtec this morning. Sorry, must have forgotten to initial, what with restocking all the med trays.

Shirley and Erica Wed PM 3:30 -7:10
Shirley and Erica Wed PM 3:30 -7:10
July 18, 2024 11:27 am
Reply to  Elise


Elise and Teri Wed. am 7 - 11:15
Elise and Teri Wed. am 7 - 11:15
July 17, 2024 10:59 am

Messes:Noodle, Karin, Bobbie, Puppies.
Chores done, meds given, refilled med boxes (a lot of unfilled spaces on med sheets!), 1 load dishes completed, dryers emptied, 1 load laundry completed, yards scooped, poop bags to dumpster, Iso’s bleached/rinsed.
Everyone ate well.
Quick bath for Karin at end of shift.
Hot shift but lots of outside time with frequent rotations.

Sarah and Jalyn Tues 5-8 pm
Sarah and Jalyn Tues 5-8 pm
July 16, 2024 8:00 pm

Messes: Karin, Teddy, Bobbie, Noodle, Hershey, puppies
Meds given – took a second to find Gwen’s wound. It’s on her lower belly near the inner thighs. She was very patient with the meds!
everyone ate well
Dishes and laundry are dirty
Dryers need to restart
Water for first messes out
Iso sprayed

Savannah and Olivia Mon PM 4:45 - 7:45p
Savannah and Olivia Mon PM 4:45 - 7:45p
July 15, 2024 7:44 pm

Messes: everyone except Jack, Buddy, Karin Meds give, NOTE that Karin’s trazadone dosage has been increased, Chyanne updated the pill sorter. We also started Gwen’s scrub on the wound on her stomach. You just apply some of the solution to the gauze and gently scrub, and then dampen another piece of gauze to “rinse” it out Everyone ate. Snickers belly still seems swollen and he’s still wheezing when we pick him up/hold him Chores: dishes emptied and reloaded, not enough laundry for a load until end of shift, scooped both yards and took trash out. ISO hosed down Fresh water… Read more »

Chloe and Khalaaylah PM
Chloe and Khalaaylah PM
July 14, 2024 7:42 pm

Messes: Candy puppies, Topeka, Hershey, Maple, Teddy, Noodle, Karin Meds given Ran dishwasher and dryer Dog committee was here before shift so dogs were fed and had been taken out! Scooped both yards When Jack went outside, he started eating poop. When Gwen was outside, she was eating the flowers from the tree and a big stick. Refilled bleach solution outside, bleached and sprayed isos Broke the On/Off switch on the washer when I flipped it off to try to open the door. It just fell off, I let Chyanne know, and taped in back in its place in the… Read more »

Jonathan and Syretta AM
Jonathan and Syretta AM
July 14, 2024 11:07 am

Messes: Bobbie, Karin, Teddy, Maple, Hershey, Topeka, Candy pups
Meds were given, everyone ate and got everyone’s kennel clean.
ran the washer didn’t have time for dryer. loaded dishwasher. Jack and Noodle got into it a bit when bringing them out together so may not be best to bring them out together anymore.

Chyanne and Katelyn sat pm 4-7
Chyanne and Katelyn sat pm 4-7
July 13, 2024 7:09 pm

Sat. PM Shift (7/13) Chyanne & Katelyn Messes: Bobbie, Teddy, Snickers, M&M, Starburst, Noodle, Hershey (while I went in to grab him) PM Meds Given all well Puppies x 3 ate all food, gave 1/4 cup. Bed in M&M run has a stripped screw/bolt. Teddy pees on the legs of his bed, please make sure to wipe down all sides and legs. Gwen has rash and wound on belly. Sent photo to Julie for medical advise. Keep watch for scratching or further irritation. Yards scoops, poop and indoor garbage to dumpster. ISO runs bleached. Too hot to play outside for… Read more »

sat adoptions: lisa kelly jamie & mirat
sat adoptions: lisa kelly jamie & mirat
July 13, 2024 5:16 pm

Adoptions: Snickers and M&M should be getting adopted at some point. Not as of yet. One of the pups went to foster. Tokyo got adopted last week, he’s doing very well! Hoping to get a family photo from the adopter soon, tokyo wasn’t ready to be held the day he was adopted tho he’s doing very well now.

Chyanne sat am 9-12:30
Chyanne sat am 9-12:30
July 13, 2024 12:24 pm

Messes: pups, Noodle, Topeka, Teddy, Karin. Surprisingly Maple did not have one.
Meds given. Karin is starting trazadone today.
yards scooped, iso cleaned

Cori Friday 5-8 p.m.
Cori Friday 5-8 p.m.
July 12, 2024 8:00 pm

Messes every dog except Norma, Buddy, Gwen and Jack. Karin multiple time during shift. Finished laundry, did a load of dishes and rest of chores, Everyone ate and meds given. Noodles had a tennis ball in her kennel. Please be more careful. Hot but good night.

Elise Fri. am 7 - 1245
Elise Fri. am 7 - 1245
July 12, 2024 12:41 pm

Messes: Noodle, Karin, Bobbie, Topeka, puppies, Maple.
Chores done, meds given, contents of washer completed, another load is damp in dryers, 1 load dishes completed, yards scooped, poop bags to dumpster, put case of paper towels in cabinet, Iso’s bleached/rinsed.
Everyone ate well.
Jr Mint to vet
Stayed to meet Cox man. He got yhe internet up again with a new modem.

Chyanne Thur am
Chyanne Thur am
July 11, 2024 9:46 am

Dogs fed and medicated

Shirley and Erica Wed PM 3:30 -7:10
Shirley and Erica Wed PM 3:30 -7:10
July 10, 2024 7:10 pm

Messes: All pooches —but Jack , Gwen, Norma Jean and Teddy
Meds: Given —and Starburst and Snickers back and started on Rimadyl
Food: Everyone ate ALL
Dishes: Can load more
Laundry : Can load more
Swept the shelter
Iso bleached and sprayed clean
Yards scooped and bags to dumpster
Hot and steamy out tonight so short rotations in and out
Quick walk for Jack and brushed him
Water for first messes
Last min breaks and treats

Elise and Teri Wed. am 7 - 11:30
Elise and Teri Wed. am 7 - 11:30
July 10, 2024 11:58 am

Messes: Noodle, Karin, Bobbie, Topeka, Maple, puppies. Chores done, meds given, dryer emptied, 1 load laundry completed, dishwasher emptied, 1 load dishes completed, yards scooped, poop bags to dumpster, recycling taken to bin, plants watered, Iso’s bleached/rinsed, refreshed outside water buckets. Everyone ate well. About 75% eaten by the 2 puppies. Left food in their kennel. Starburst and Snickers to vet for neutering. Teddy to and from vet for visit. He is heartworm neg., so he is off of Isolation (I forgot to change it on the sheets by the door, but will on Fri am.). Gave Karin a quick… Read more »

Jon Tues PM
Jon Tues PM
July 9, 2024 7:55 pm

meds given, everyone ate all of their food.
Everyone got outside time and managed to get everyone’s kennel cleaned. ran the washer so dishes in there are clean but didn’t get around to the clothes in time sadly, so stuff in there is dirty.

Chyanne Tues am
Chyanne Tues am
July 9, 2024 12:30 pm

Dogs fed and medicated
Instead of feeding puppies .50, we can feed them a little bit less so we’re not wasting puppy food.
Found what looks like rubber in puppy’s stool outside. Didn’t really have time to sit there and actually analyze it

Cox technician is coming out Friday to fix modem. Hopefully it will be fixed then.

Savannah and Olivia Mon 4:30-7:45PM
Savannah and Olivia Mon 4:30-7:45PM
July 8, 2024 9:51 pm

Messes: puppies, Bobbie, Karin, Teddy, Noodle Topeka is now in Gwen’s old spot per Chyanne. Gwen is now between Noodle and Buddy. Gwen is NOT to be taken out to the concrete side yard, only the back yard. A fabric/plastic combo toy frisbee was in Noodle’s kennel and she ate the plastic. I found pieces of it in her stool as we were scooping the yards. Meds given, including Teddy’s foam. Everyone ate all of their food except for the puppies, who only ate half. Please make sure to leave plenty of water for the puppies. They can’t get their… Read more »

Savannah and Olivia Mon 4:30-7:45PM
Savannah and Olivia Mon 4:30-7:45PM
July 8, 2024 9:51 pm

Wi-Fi is still down btw

Joe Sun 8-1140am
Joe Sun 8-1140am
July 7, 2024 11:40 am

Messes: Candy puppies, maple, Hershey, Bobby, teddy, karin
Meds given.
maple ate half her food. Candy puppies ate 80%. teddy ate half
Cleaned as many kennels as I could get to in time.

Maple was kinda sneezy when she was outside.

Joe Sun 8-1140am
Joe Sun 8-1140am
July 7, 2024 11:40 am

Wifi is down also.

Chyanne, Katelyn, syretta Sat pm 5-8:45
Chyanne, Katelyn, syretta Sat pm 5-8:45
July 6, 2024 8:44 pm

Messes: Topeka, pups, noodle, Hershey, Bobbie
Meds given

Found red diarrhea in front yard
Yards scooped, iso cleaned bags taken out
Dryer needs to be restarted
Gave Teddy a bath and scrubbed out that nasty dry skin. His scab looks like it’s healing on the base of his tail. He wouldn’t let me cut his nails but I trimmed some of his hair around his paws. He has some red pimple like things on his groin area. Julie said to give some ointment 2 x a day.

Chyanne Sat am
Chyanne Sat am
July 6, 2024 12:12 pm

Dogs fed and medicated

Maple, Teddy and Hershey only ate 1/4 a cup.

Puppies didn’t eat a lot of their food

Buddy’s trazadone is only for when it is needed like during severe weather

Cori Friday 5-8 pm
Cori Friday 5-8 pm
July 5, 2024 7:53 pm

No messes Norma, Buddy,, Jack, Gwen and Maple. Everyone else has messes. Topeka had a white bone which she broke in half. Everyone except Maple ate. Chores done meds given. Thunderstorms during shift. Dogs did not want to go outside

Elise Fri am 7 - 10:30
Elise Fri am 7 - 10:30
July 5, 2024 12:02 pm

Messes: Topeka, Noodle, Karin, Bobbie, Maple, puppies. Chores done, meds given, 1 load dishes completed, contents of washer completed, yards scooped, poop bags to dumpster, Iso’s bleached/rinsed, flowers watered. Everyone ate all their food except 3 puppies ate 3/4 each (Starburst ate all of his), Teddy ate 3/4. All stool was normal. No evidence of distress from last night’s fireworks. Very hot morning, provided water and fan to patio dogs. Laid down a wet towel in the puppies pen, which they enjoyed. Used last of Mr. Clean and white trash bags are low. I’ll bring more on Wed. morning. Gave… Read more »

Erica and Shirley wed. 3:45pm-7:35pm
Erica and Shirley wed. 3:45pm-7:35pm
July 3, 2024 7:36 pm

Messes: Bobbie, Maple, Candy Pups, and Hershey (Noodle irritated on bed x 2)
Meds given
Meals: Maple and Hershey barely ate; all others ate well
Chores completed
Laundry: (1) load washed/dried/put away
Dishes: can load more
Yards scooped; bag to dumpster
ISO’s, puppy pen and patio bleached and sprayed clean
Shelter swept
Outside time for all- frequent breaks due to heat
Bleach bottle refilled
Water for first messes
Last minute breaks given
Treats given

Elise and Teri Wed am 7 - 11:30
Elise and Teri Wed am 7 - 11:30
July 3, 2024 1:09 pm

Messes: Norma Jean, Topeka, Noodle, Karin, Bobbie, Maple, puppies.
Chores done, meds given, contents of dryers completed, not enough laundry for a load, 1 load dishes completed, yards scooped, poop bags to dumpster, donations processed, plants watered, Iso’s bleached/rinsed, cleaned toilet.
Everyone ate well. Decreased chubby Bobbie’s food to .75 cup per Julie. 
Assisted Julie in vaccinations for Jack and Gwen.
Took Teddy off of Isolation per Julie, moved him next to Karin.
Set up the small fan outside for puppies.
Quick bath for Karin since she was soaked in urine overnight.

Last edited 23 days ago by Elise and Teri Wed am 7 - 11:30
Savannah T. and Jalyn Tues PM
Savannah T. and Jalyn Tues PM
July 2, 2024 8:28 pm

Long post- The internet is still out so posting from my phone Y’all it is already so hot! Please be mindful of how long the dogs and puppies are outside, and rotate them frequently. All of them were panting and looked exhausted after just 5 minutes outside. There was no outside water bucket on the concrete side and the other yards bucket was almk at empty and had a dead wasp in it—refilled both. Messes: puppies, Topeka, Bobbie, Noodle (pee and mushed poop everywhere) Meds given. Puppies barely ate their food despite adding water to it (that worked yesterday). Did… Read more »

Last edited 24 days ago by Savannah T. and Jalyn Tues PM
Chyanne tues am
Chyanne tues am
July 2, 2024 12:21 pm

internet is down. Post the log through your phone. the sheet behind the computer has the info to do that. dogs fed and medicated. Poop was normal for Maple and Teddy. I’m not sure if Hersey pooped this shift. Teddy and Hershey had food in their bowls from last night. I am decreasing their food intake to 1/4 cup of food. If Maple doesn’t eat all 1/2 cup of her food tonight, she also will only be given 1/4. Please don’t forget to pick up food bowls at the end of the shift. We do not want to encourage grazing.… Read more »

savannah and olivia mon pm 4:45-7:45
savannah and olivia mon pm 4:45-7:45
July 2, 2024 12:10 pm

long post–Sorry. lots of dogs lol messes: candy pups (all normal stool) hershey(normal), Maple (no stool when we got here or when we let her out), Noodle (pee and Poop), Karin, Topeka bobbie the pups need water mixed in with their food since their lil teeth are sensitive meds given. The male all black puppy sounded like he was breathing hard when we picked him up, and his stomach does look a little bit more swollen than the rest of the pups, He was acting normal though, and we didn’t see any unusual stool. the puppies are already going at… Read more »

Chyanne Mon am
Chyanne Mon am
July 1, 2024 10:10 am

Dogs fed and medicated

Teddy, Hershey, and Maple had normal stool

KhaLaayLah 6/30 PM
KhaLaayLah 6/30 PM
June 30, 2024 7:42 pm

Messes: Puppies, Bobby, Topeka, noodle
Hershey and teddy didn’t eat
dishes washed
laundry dried needs to be folded
meds given

Jon and Joe 6/30 AM
Jon and Joe 6/30 AM
June 30, 2024 11:02 am

Messes: Puppies, Bobby, Topeka, Maple, Hershey
Meds given, Hershey and Maple did not eat all of their food, dishes in washer not ran, ran dryer but may still be damp.

Jon and Joe 6/30 AM
Jon and Joe 6/30 AM
June 30, 2024 11:09 am

Teddy was pretty SNeezy today. May just be because the iso room is dusty.

Kelly and Katelyn 6/29PM
Kelly and Katelyn 6/29PM
June 29, 2024 7:50 pm

Messes: Hershey – poop looked normal, puppies, Topeka, Karin, Bobby Teddy pooped in ISO run and it looked pretty normal. Separated the puppies for feeding. Jr Mint ate maybe 1/2 his bowl. A half cup may just be too much for him, Snickers ate most of his, had just a little left in the bottom of the bowl. Starburst and M&M ate fine. Teddy wouldn’t eat, so I mixed a little water and wet food and sat with him and he ate all his food. Hershey wouldn’t eat either, seemed scared of the bowl so we put his food in… Read more »