Cat Room Shift Log


To write a volunteer log, scroll down to “Leave a Reply” and enter your name, shift worked, and your comments.

For volunteer newbies or those wanting a refresher, read the Cat Shift 101 document here.


*  For privacy’s sake we’ve removed phone numbers as these pages are able to be seen by the public.  See contact list posted in room for contact info.


Cat Program Chairperson & Volunteer Coordinator

Michelle Soileau,  

Dumped Animals Contacts
Dogs, Elise, 2nd Julie, 3rd Jamie
Cats: 1st Michelle, 2nd Julie, 3rd Charles

Medical Emergency Contacts
1st: Michelle Soileau, 2nd: Charles Beard, 3rd: Julie Amador


Communications, Email Lists, If Can’t Reach Others
Kelly Hohenberger,

Litter Box Cleanings

The litter boxes should be dumped and totally and fully cleaned the first seven days of the month, alternating AM shifts and PM shifts per month. April was done by the PM shifts, May will be the AM shifts, and June will be the PM shifts again. Be sure to dump and clean them and sign the signature sheet on the med door after completing. This is very important!

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July 26, 2024 6:58 pm

Friday PM

Gave dorito and magnolia their meds. Got all chores done. Food was very low so added 8 cups wit the lysine. Let dorito out to walk around, had to stop him from jumping onto the shelves. He was extremely affectionate. Gave magnolia a chance to eat and drink some water. All kitties seemed good and got some treats

Jacklyn & Rebecca
Jacklyn & Rebecca
July 25, 2024 6:26 pm

Meds given to magnolia and dorito. Magnolia ate and drank while on shift. Dorito came out and walked around per Michelle’s request. He was very affectionate. Magnolia had 2 poops on her shelf outside the box. One barf on floor by metal cages in corner. All cats got treats and play time.

July 25, 2024 10:42 am

Thursday 7:30am
Did meds for Dorito and fed Mag’s

Chris (p.m.)
Chris (p.m.)
July 24, 2024 6:17 pm

Cleaned litter boxes. Swept and mopped (avoiding the ant powder). Dorito got his 2 medicines. He seemed to be eating normally and was affectionate. He wanted to leave that room. All cats got wet food. Magnolia got her pill and got food and water during shift. Added lysine to the dry food.

Last edited 2 days ago by Chris (p.m.)
July 24, 2024 8:50 am

Wednesday 7:30am
Gave Dorito his meds and fed Magnolia.

July 23, 2024 6:29 pm

Tuesday 6pm
Dorito is back from the vet. He has stitches and staples. He’s very sensitive about being touched around the incision so be gentle. But he’s still his sweet boy self and happily is accepting pets. He has medications – one is only in the evening, the other is twice a day, there are med sheets for both. He cannot come out of ISO. He is not supposed to be jumping so if you see him doing so please let me know.

Lisa and Chris
Lisa and Chris
July 22, 2024 6:24 pm

Monday PM – no food added, no messes. Maggie took her pill. Added litter to some boxes. All kitties got pets and treats. Easy shift.

July 22, 2024 9:42 am

Monday AM – Chores done. Food was good so nothing added. Refilled 2 water buckets. One pee spot next to mop bucket. Magnolia had food and water during shift. Calm morning.

July 22, 2024 8:17 am

Monday 7:45 a.m.
Took Dorito to the vet for his surgery. He may not be back for a few days depending on if they want to keep him overnight or not.

July 21, 2024 8:09 pm

Sunday 8:10pm
Took all food and water away from Dorito to fast him for surgery tomorrow.

Rebecca M
Rebecca M
July 21, 2024 7:42 pm

Sunday PM Came in and everyone was relaxing. Did all chores, Gillian only sneezed once. There was no food in iso for Dorito (don’t know if that was on purpose but I put a small bowl in there for him) he also took his meds with no issues. Magnolia ate while I was here, she would NOT take her pill and started growling so I didn’t force her. I also found 1/2 of a blue pill on her blanket (don’t know how long it’s been there). Topped off all food bowls, played and gave pets to almost everyone and all… Read more »

Gillian Coleman
Gillian Coleman
July 21, 2024 9:21 am

Everyone was super active this morning! Magnolia did eat on shift and Dorito took his meds. Gilly sneezed a few times but didn’t sound as congested as our last shift! Doritos also came out and played on shift!

Michelle & Jonathan
Michelle & Jonathan
July 20, 2024 7:59 pm

Saturday PM WE HAVE ANTS! 🐜 They were crawling up the wall by Magnolia’s food and water, and were all over her food bowl. Took away her bowls and cleaned/killed every ant we saw. We think they’re coming up from the baseboards in the corner with the little bump out. Michelle called Greg and he brought some pet safe ant treatment for inside that is on the floor where the food bins were. It’s a fine powder, just leave it there. The food bins have been moved. The adult food is by the dog door, and the feral food is… Read more »

July 19, 2024 6:53 pm

Friday PM

Gave magnolia and dorito their meds. Dorito came out of iso to play on the shift. Got the chores done and added 3 scoops of food with the lysine. Cats all seemed to be doing good though Gilligan was breathing very loudly but seemed ok otherwise

July 19, 2024 10:14 am

Friday am
All chores done! Dorito came out of Iso for a little bit but ended up back in there before I was done cleaning. I top off all the food as well. Cyrus & Creamsicle were very active this morning.

July 19, 2024 10:20 am
Reply to  Crissy

I also gave Dorito his medicine along with lots of pets.

Jacklyn & Rebecca
Jacklyn & Rebecca
July 18, 2024 9:24 pm

Thursday PM
All cats got up and about, played, and had treats. Maggie took her meds and Dorito got most of meds in his mouth. He was limping so we made sure he stayed in iso while other cats played. All chores done and food/ water topped off.

Chris (5:30 p.m.)
Chris (5:30 p.m.)
July 17, 2024 7:21 pm

Cleaned and mopped floors. Cleaned litter boxes. Magnolia and Dorito got their medicine. Added lysine to dry food. Played with cats and gave them treats. Let Dorito out and put him back after. No problems to report.

Rhonda and Kerri
Rhonda and Kerri
July 17, 2024 9:29 am

Rhonda and Kerri:
Full mop and sweep done. Dorito took medicine. Pre filled syringes in cabinet. He was placed back in ISO. Lysine added with fresh food. All cats had wet food treat when we arrived.

Olivia f & Bailey
Olivia f & Bailey
July 16, 2024 5:17 pm

Everyone happy, Dorito and Maggie medicated. Maizie was uncharacteristically flighty and aggressive today. Not sure if she’s in pain or just moody today. Keep an eye on her please. Lysine added. There was a TON of mysterious metal shavings surrounding the cactus tree in ISO. swept it up and took the tree outside to brush off. We couldn’t figure out what it was from!

July 17, 2024 1:15 pm

The metal shavings were from having the lock in the drawer in iso drilled out. *sigh* they didn’t clean up behind themselves apparently. Thank you for getting it cleaned up!

July 16, 2024 3:33 pm

Dorito is going to have surgery next Monday for his limp and I’d like to get him a medical foster for his recovery. It’ll be 10 days, he needs to not jump but has to move around. If you or anyone you know is interested please let me know!

July 15, 2024 5:21 pm

Monday PM – added 2 c food to room bowls. No messes. Magnolia took her pill easily and gobbled her churro afterwards. Gilly still sneezing. Picked up Dorito from vet. He was pretty loopy and kept falling over when he tried to walk. Didn’t want to come out of iso. He has meds to take am and pm, in cabinet by Magnolia’s meds. Pretty easy – quick squirt in his mouth.

July 15, 2024 9:01 am

Monday AM – Got Dorito to the vet with no issues. Put food and water back in iso for his return and closed door to keep others from taking over while he’s gone. Food was good and refilled two water buckets. Everyone got a treat. Creamsicle was playful and chatty.

July 14, 2024 7:52 pm

Sunday 7:50pm
Took all food and water away from Dorito to fast him for the vet tomorrow.

Rebecca & Kayla
Rebecca & Kayla
July 14, 2024 6:29 pm

Sunday PM

It was a good day, everyone was playing and enjoying being out, Magnolia has been lounging on the bottom shelf every time we come. 😃 however she wasn’t cooperative when taking her meds. Nevertheless cleaned everything not much to scoop as was still pretty clean. Treats for all and a little play time (Even Magnolia had a little play with a toy). Dorito enjoyed being out & sad to go back up. 😞

July 14, 2024 9:39 am

Sunday AM. Quick scoop, feed and sweep. Everyone seems to be happy. Dorito came out and explored the room and was still limping slightly. Put him back in iso when I left.

July 13, 2024 7:14 pm

Saturday PM
No messes. Added 3 cups of food to room. Magnolia got her pill and a treat. Dorito came out and explored.

July 12, 2024 7:05 pm

Friday PM There was some throw up on the floor and diarrhea in a couple of the litter boxes but all of the cats seemed ok. Gave magnolia her pill, tried to give her a churro treat after but she didn’t wanna eat, she seemed stressed out by the other cats and was growling at them, but she ate some hard treats I left for her. Let dorito come out and explore on shift and got all of the chores done. Food and water all was full so didn’t add anything. All the kitties had fun playing with the wand… Read more »

July 12, 2024 12:17 pm

Friday 10am
Took Dorito to the vet for his limp. He’s good but he was too painful and the vet wants to sedate to do xrays. So he’s going back on Monday when he’ll be fasted. He’s got pain meds that I’ll be administering until then. He can come out on shift but he Must go back in iso when you leave.

Callie McCullin
Callie McCullin
July 12, 2024 8:22 am

All chores completed and trash taken out. Two of the food bowls had wet food in them, had to clean up water nearby as well. Washed and replaced those bowls. Maizie took over iso as soon as I let dorito out, she was not happy when I made her leave. Everyone else doing well!

Jacklyn & Rebecca
Jacklyn & Rebecca
July 11, 2024 6:43 pm

Thursday PM
Did all chores, topped off water and added 2 cups of food with lysine to make 6 cups. Cyrus went after Maggie a few times but she still hung out on the low shelf. She took her pill well. Dorito played in room and went back in iso for night.

Kelly & Chris 7/10 pm
Kelly & Chris 7/10 pm
July 10, 2024 6:06 pm

Gilligan is back from the vet. He ate a whole churro treat and about 1/3 a can of wet food. Still a bit loopy from anesthesia though. Maggie took her pill really well and enjoyed her churro treat. Dorito still limping be he enjoyed being out in the room. Maize was in a faul mood (snarling and hissing at Gilly). All others did really well. Chores done. One very liquid poop in the litter box by the door.

July 10, 2024 10:33 am

Everyone got wet food treat when I arrived. Gilligan is still at the veterinarian. I missed his wonky eyes coming for his treat. Full sweep and mopping done. Several wet spots in the middle of the floor. Looks more likely that someone drank a lot of water and vomited than pee spots, as it was clear. There is a black ladder in the cat room so I left it by the door. I couldn’t figure out how to fold it in and Magnolia seemed to love it. So I left it by her shelves. Magnolia’s shelf swept up and fresh… Read more »

July 10, 2024 6:17 pm
Reply to  Rhonda

A re-supply order has been made but its been delayed. Should be here soon!

July 10, 2024 8:53 am

Dorito is still limping so he needs to stay in Iso when the shift is not there. He will be going to the vet Friday to get checked out.

July 10, 2024 8:52 am

Wednesday 7:30am
Gilligan to vet

July 8, 2024 4:28 pm

Monday – PM – All kitties calm. Maggie took her pill easily. No food added and no pee spots or blankets. Changed out 3 of the forms for check in, meds, etc. cleaned and refilled water buckets. All kitties shared treats.

July 8, 2024 9:55 am

Monday AM – Chores done. Food bowls were still full. There was no food in iso so put a bowl in there. Split a churro between Magnolia and Gilly. Everyone else shared a can. No big messes but trash was left very full and heavy. Some of the litter boxes are a little light but couldn’t find extra litter to add. Everyone go along fine.

Rebecca & Kayla
Rebecca & Kayla
July 7, 2024 5:52 pm

Everyone was lounging around being pretty calm, Magnolia was on the bottom shelf the whole time. She reluctantly took her meds. Pretty clean, topped off a few bowls, cleaned everything and gave pets and treats all around. Good evening for all!

Morgan and Gillian
Morgan and Gillian
July 7, 2024 9:51 am

Sunday AM
Everyone was happy! Magnolia was down on the bottom shelf all shift and Dorito seemed to be getting along with everyone. Gilly was still wheezy and seemed to be having a hard time breathing. All chores done and lysine added to food. We completely changed Magnolia’s litter box because it was pretty gnarly. The squeeze tube treats were a big hit!!

July 6, 2024 4:54 pm

cleaned up, magnolia took her medicine alright and topped off two food bowls and all water bowls looked okay. no messes on blankets, and put Doritos back into iso before leaving and didn’t notice him limping anymore.

Bri and Rosa
Bri and Rosa
July 5, 2024 6:06 pm

Cleaned up and gave all the cats treats! Magnolia was in a bad mood. She spit out her meds a couple of times and we also found poop under her litter box. We added 5 scoops of food and lysine.

Callie McCullin
Callie McCullin
July 5, 2024 8:21 am

Everyone happy and playful this morning! Magnolia came down to the floor for a bit, a first for my shift as far as I’ve seen! Dorito seemed to get along well for the most part..gave some warning shots to Cyrus and creamsicle if they got too close. All chores completed! Treats and lots of pets given before I left

July 4, 2024 4:49 pm

Thursday PM
Cats got playtime and treats. Refilled water and scooped and swept. Creamsicle makes a mess with litter. Dorito did well in room. He is not putting weight on his left leg often. Maggie took her meds and played on the floor a bit (a first for my shift) though she was chewing on the purple toy with ribbons. Milo threw up right be fire I was leaving

Chris (5:00 p.m.)
Chris (5:00 p.m.)
July 3, 2024 6:49 pm

Cleaned litter and floors, fed cats wet food and treats. Added medicine to food and gave Magnolia her medicine. Creamsicle seems to have a small scratch on his nose. Magnolia seemed braver than usual, spending most of the time out on the floor until the two orange ones got too close. Dorito got a little confrontational a few times. It seemed half hearted but I put him back in the room after.

July 3, 2024 1:21 pm

Gave kitties a little wet food treat when I arrived. Full sweep and mopping done. Litter scooped, Lysine added with food. Gilly sneezed but ate his treat.
Cicle and Dorito enjoyed the mop.

Bailey and Olivia
Bailey and Olivia
July 2, 2024 5:38 pm

Tuesday PM
Refilled food and lysine, rinsed water bowls, and cleaned litter boxes. Maggie got her meds. Gillian seems to be extra sneezy and sick today, so keep an eye on him (might be time for meds?) Dorito is still limping and when I touched his back left paw, he was not happy. Not really slowing him down, but seems like it might be causing him some pain. He is definitely a cuddler though!

July 1, 2024 5:52 pm

Monday PM – no pee or vomit anywhere. Added 2.5 c food and lysine. Magnolia took her pill easily today and stayed on the bottom shelf the whole time. She was fine until Cyrus attempted to get up there once and she growled at him. Dorito wanted to be held a lot of the time, especially when I first let him out of iso. Gilly is still wheezy and sneezed several times.

July 1, 2024 9:50 am

Monday AM – Food was fine. Refilled water buckets. Had a mysterious puddle of water to clean up but discovered that Creamsicle likes to paw at the water while he drinks so cleaned up 2 puddles of water. Everyone was pretty calm during shift. Dorito was exploring and does seem to have a little limp on his back leg.

June 30, 2024 5:08 pm

Cleaned everything, everyone pretty relaxed. Magnolia only took 1/2 of her pill as she was a little fussy. Play time and treats for everyone. Dorito got extra attention and he throughly enjoyed the extra attention.

June 30, 2024 10:49 am

Sunday AM. easy shift. Topped off food bowls but they were still pretty full. Dorito came out and played with creamsicle and Cyrus. He didn’t seem to be limping at all.

June 29, 2024 6:53 pm

Saturday PM
Dorito is limping on his back left leg. It’s not slowing him down from running with the boys. He did not want me to look or touch it though. Keep an eye on it and let me know if it gets worse. Will try to get him to a vet soon.
Food bowls full. No messes. Magnolia took her pill with a bit of complaining. Cheered her up with a churu. Everyone else got a taste and loved it.