Make the World A Better Place for Animals

Foster Pets in Baton Rouge
Capital Area Animal Welfare Society (CAAWS) is always in need of new foster homes to foster pets in Baton Rouge. We can only save as many as we have space for, but if you can foster pets and give us just a little more space, together we can save more lives of animals in need!
CAAWS relies on the compassionate pet foster volunteers who give their time, love, and homes to our animals. The cats and dogs that CAAWS takes care of have never had a stable home life or have lost their home through some misfortune. If you have a little extra space in your home and even more love in your heart, please consider fostering a pet.
A pet foster volunteer provides love, companionship, and shelter to an animal in need.
Being in a foster home helps animals stay healthier and get accustomed to home life. This makes them more likely to get adopted into a forever home. There are so many ways that fostering helps animals and humans, including:
- Animals learn social skills and good manners through fostering
- Tiny kittens have a better chance of survival
- We learn about an animal’s personality so we can match it with the right family
- Pet foster volunteers can see if they are ready for a forever pet
- Pet foster volunteers can enjoy the love and company of an animal short term

The pet foster volunteer is responsible for bringing the pet to adoption days on a regular basis, so the animal has the opportunity to be adopted into a forever home.
The animals we lend to foster homes are always healthy and spayed or neutered. CAAWS will also provide food and any medical care necessary, including medicines for heartworm and flea prevention.
How Do I Volunteer?
Please fill out the online form or visit us at the shelter on Saturdays during adoptions to get more information on how to become a pet foster volunteer. Our adoption days are Saturdays from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. at: 6357 Quinn Drive in Baton Rouge, LA, at the corner of Jefferson Hwy and Tiger Bend. If you have any additional questions, send us a message.
Why Should I Foster a Pet?
You may ask yourself, “Why would I want to be a pet foster volunteer instead of just adopting?” There are many reasons why fostering is just as important and helpful as adopting. When you agree to foster, you help CAAWS save another helpless animal from neglect and abuse. You also help provide a warm, safe, and loving environment to improve the animal’s mental and physical health.
Fostering helps animals get accustomed to people and home life, so they are ready to be part of a family. You also open up space at the shelter for us to save another animal. It is gratifying to know that you helped save a little life and helped an animal find a caring forever family to love them as much as you did.
Fostering also brings pet foster volunteers the joy and entertainment of living with an adorable animal without the long-term commitment. It’s the perfect opportunity to see if adopting a forever animal is right for you.
Common pet foster responsibilities include:
- Providing a warm, safe place for the pet to live
- Interacting with the animal to get them accustomed to different environments
- Taking the animal to the vet when professional care is needed
- Feeding, grooming, and basic training
- Providing patience, care, and love
Laurie Burkett and Kizzy
“Kizzy is doing great! We have made up several nicknames for her already… Kizzy Cat, Kiz, Kizzy Girl, and Kizzykens. She sleeps in my daughter’s room, and her favorite person is whoever is sitting at the time. She is definitely a lap cat! Thanks for such a seamless adoption!”
Volunteer and Donate to Help CAAWS Save More Animals
CAAWS is made possible solely by unpaid volunteers and donations. We receive no government funding and we rely completely on the help of compassionate volunteers and donors. If you have some extra time on your hands or a little extra money in your pocket, help us make the world a better place for animals. You can help save lives and make an amazing difference in the lives of animals in need.