Cat Room Shift Log


To write a volunteer log, scroll down to “Leave a Reply” and enter your name, shift worked, and your comments.

For volunteer newbies or those wanting a refresher, read the Cat Shift 101 document here.


*  For privacy’s sake we’ve removed phone numbers as these pages are able to be seen by the public.  See contact list posted in room for contact info.


Cat Program Chairperson & Volunteer Coordinator

Michelle Soileau,  

Dumped Animals Contacts
Dogs, Elise, 2nd Julie, 3rd Jamie
Cats: 1st Michelle, 2nd Julie, 3rd Charles

Medical Emergency Contacts
1st: Michelle Soileau, 2nd: Charles Beard, 3rd: Julie Amador


Communications, Email Lists, If Can’t Reach Others
Kelly Hohenberger,

Litter Box Cleanings

The litter boxes should be dumped and totally and fully cleaned the first seven days of the month, alternating AM shifts and PM shifts per month. April was done by the PM shifts, May will be the AM shifts, and June will be the PM shifts again. Be sure to dump and clean them and sign the signature sheet on the med door after completing. This is very important!

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Aaron AM
Aaron AM
March 13, 2025 10:33 am

Praline stayed out the whole shift and no overtly terrible incidents to report. Yes, multiple pee spots, food, and litter messes, but at least no one shed any blood. Everyone got good food, treats, played, cuddled. 3 scoops and a lysine added.

Kelly, Chris
Kelly, Chris
March 12, 2025 6:09 pm

Litter and floors cleaned. Lysine added to dry food. Cats were playful, though there were a few moments of tension between them. A few wet blankets. S. Plum had her medicine and they got some wet food.

Rhonda and Kerri
Rhonda and Kerri
March 12, 2025 7:52 am

First time meeting Praline. He is a typical Siamese rough playing kitty. Loves To play and it was Hard to leave him.
Sugar took meds. Wet food treat given and Also churu treats. Pee all over the floor in iso. We threw out pee soaked gray tunnel. Swept and mopped, food with Lysine.

March 11, 2025 8:41 am

Tuesday am. Everyone doing well. Gave pill to Sugarplum. Did chores and changed water. Added four cups of food. All shared wet food and treats.

March 10, 2025 6:03 pm

Monday – PM – 3 cups of food with lysine. Sugarplum took his pill really easily. 2 pee spots on the floor near the cabinets. 3 pee blankets, 2 we’re in ISO. All kitties got treats and pets.

Chloe and Michelle
Chloe and Michelle
March 9, 2025 6:15 pm

Sunday PM
Gave Sugarplum her pill. All kitties had treats. Blood in ISO room from Praline’s eye, will be going to vet in the AM. Added 2 more cups of food. Swept and mopped. All kitties are good 🙂

March 9, 2025 8:49 am

Sunday a m. No messes in room. Gave Sugarplum Cllomax pill. Everyone had wet food. Praline struggled outside of room. I had to break up a scruffle with Sugarplum and Milkshake. Did chores. Added 2 cups of food.

March 8, 2025 7:29 pm

Saturday PM
Let Praline out and he did well, like a solid B. Some random tense moments between nearly everyone but nothing too bad. Sugarplum took her pill and devoured her churru. Shared a churru with everyone else. Milkshake and Cannoli were running circles on me getting into the office. Food bowls full. Everyone good.

March 8, 2025 9:35 am

Saturday am
Milkshake was super sweet and followed me around everywhere wanting lots of attention
Praline also was super affectionate
Gave Sugarplum her antibiotic and she seemed more subdued this morning
All chores done and waters changed but food was still full
Milkshake and Cannoli kept trying to get in the office and succeeded many times-when I’d get one out the other one would sneak in
Treats given to all!

Bri (friday pm)
Bri (friday pm)
March 7, 2025 6:23 pm

Topped off all waters and added 5 scoops of food and lysine. Swept and mopped. Gave them treats and pets! They were really active today. Very talkative and playful. Sugarplum took her medicine like the champ she is, Nothing bad to report, they were sweet as always!

March 7, 2025 11:40 am

All chores done this morning, took out the trash and changed a few blankets in ISO. Sugarplum seems to be a tad bit better from last shift, not spending as much time in litter box, took medicine well. Praline had an extreme case of the zoomies this morning, he is so sweet! Everyone got plenty of treats and love this morning

Jacklyn & gianna
Jacklyn & gianna
March 6, 2025 7:09 pm

Thursday PM
Topped off food and water. Swept and scooped. Threw out big box it was getting stinky. Sugarplum was chowing down on strings of corner cat tree so we rotated to less stringy sides. She got her meds. Gilly was very affectionate. Praline got some playtime too.

Kelly and Chris Wed PM
Kelly and Chris Wed PM
March 5, 2025 6:11 pm

Chores done and meds given. Sugar was very good about taking her pill. So she had a little wet treat after. Gilly had some wet food and lots of pets. He was extra needy today. According to the med sheet Praline’s med was finished. Played with Praline some in ISO and gave him loves. He is so sweet and gorgeous! Milky was a sweet boy and enjoyed his pets too. We played with them with the fishing pole toy and they had fun.

March 5, 2025 11:07 am

Put 6 scoops of food with lysine. Swept and mopped. All kitties got treats and pets!

Olivia f Tuesday pm
Olivia f Tuesday pm
March 4, 2025 7:02 pm

Cats are good. Gave sugar her medicine, somebody had veryyy soft stool in the litter box by the mop

Aaron AM
Aaron AM
March 4, 2025 10:26 am

Oh man what a day for bad kitties. Sugarplum, Milkshake, and Praline got into a very serious fight that had to be physically broken up, with Praline now back in ISO, wearing the soft cone. During the fight, I THINK Sugarplum nervous-peed, which still has blood in it. Sugarplum took her pill with the churro treat, everyone got treats and wet food, and string-toyed. Though Praline is yelling at the door, everyone else is now calm, with a few pee blankets changed.

Lisa and Chris
Lisa and Chris
March 3, 2025 5:56 pm

Monday PM – no messes today. Topped off the food with about 1.5c. Everyone shared some wet food, including praline who meowed at iso door the whole shift. It seemed more like he wanted attention than to get out of the room. Sugarplum took her pill pretty easy. All the cats in the big room seemed to have the zoomies today, chasing each other, diving through tunnels. Gilly hissed only once, but that was when it was time for wet food and Milkshake was chasing him. Everyone good!

March 3, 2025 9:50 am

Monday AM – Clean room. Food bowls were full but refilled all water buckets. Sugarplum took pill okay. Praline could not get enough attention and sat in my lap and purred.

Jacklyn & Chloe
Jacklyn & Chloe
March 2, 2025 6:34 pm

Sunday PM
Room was clean, scooped swept and topped off food to five cups. Played and gave lots of pets. Sugarplum took her pill with some churu. Praline had lots of food left – refilled his water and flipped his cone back to cape position for him

Patty and Carter
Patty and Carter
March 2, 2025 9:03 am

Everyone doing well. Gave praline last pill. Added 3 cups of food and did basic chores. Everyone played and had treats.

Patty and Carter
Patty and Carter
March 2, 2025 8:57 am

Sunday am

March 1, 2025 5:28 pm

Saturday PM
no pee spots on blankets or ground. scooped litter boxes and checked food and water all good
everyone was sweet and played with everyone a bit. had to head out a bit early for work.

March 1, 2025 10:46 am

Saturday am
Lots of pee blankets and pee spots
All normal chores done
Water bowls changed out and 2 scoops of food added with Lysine
Milkshake was so affectionate and seemed to get along with the other kitties ok
Praline was also very sweet but didn’t enjoy putting on the collar too much
Treats were given and kitties were happy!!

February 28, 2025 6:45 pm

Friday PM

All chores done, added 4 cups of food with the lysine. Gave praline and sugar plum their meds. Praline is really desperate to be out of iso and cannoli and milkshake are super desperate to get into the office. All kitties good, the new cats are really friendly!

February 28, 2025 12:04 pm

Friday 2pm
Swapped Praline’s cone to a soft one and have it flipped down like a cape.

February 28, 2025 5:28 pm
Reply to  Michelle


Jacklyn & gianna
Jacklyn & gianna
February 27, 2025 7:05 pm

Thursday PM
Cats back from vet – Praline got his pain meds and some scratches. Though he is not happy about the cone. Gave him lots of food in big bowl so he could eat easier with cone. Milkshake is out in main room getting along well. Sugarplum got her pill as well with a treat. All good kitties!

February 27, 2025 5:13 pm

Thursday 4pm
Sugarplum and Praline back from the vets! Both have meds.

Sugarplum does still have a UTI. She’s got Clavamox, one tablet 2x a day for 14 days. DO NOT crush it or mix in food.

Praline is wearing a cone. We need to keep it on him for as many days as possible, ideally 10. If you feel confident in putting it back on it can be off during shift. He has pain meds for 3 days in the evening.

Aaron AM
Aaron AM
February 27, 2025 12:37 pm

Even three kitties are still bad kitties. Milkshake eagerly came out of ISO and shared a wet food with the others. While he was occupied, I scrubbed (to the best of human ability with paper towels and enzyme spray) the ISO walls, corners and counters, including the top, and replaced all the blankets. I did, however, just remember that all the used blankets are in a pile on top of the cat tree by the dog door, and I didn’t move them into the laundry 🧺 before I left. Sorry!!

February 27, 2025 7:18 am

Thursday 7:15am
Sugarplum to vet

Kelly & Chris
Kelly & Chris
February 26, 2025 6:16 pm

Good shift. Only 3 kitties in the room and Milkshake in ISO. Gilligan ate his wet food. Everyone got lots of loves. Milkshake is an absolute sweetheart. And he likes being brushed. There was a brush on the floor in ISO so I held it and he immediately rubbed against it for pets/brushes. And he lets you run his belly.

Chores done and lysine added to food.

Rhonda and Kerri
Rhonda and Kerri
February 26, 2025 9:16 am

We cleaned ISO cage, mopped and changed blankets. Cage is ready and clean for when Praline returns. Main room mopped. Floor was pretty clean already. Food added with Lysine. Wet food breakfast given. Milky is precious. Talks back when spoken to. Came out of iso and got along well with others then retreated back to ISO for nap.

February 25, 2025 7:57 pm

King Cake is adopted!

February 25, 2025 4:45 pm

Tuesday 4pm
Milkshake is back from the vet. Praline’s surgery was able to be moved up so he’s off to the vet for the night through tomorrow!

Aaron AM
Aaron AM
February 25, 2025 9:22 am

These are the baddest kitties in the land. Multiple pee blankets to change in the regular room and in ISO. Litter and food scattered. Four additional scoops of food and a lysine were needed. Praline made several arguments about getting let out. Also, I’m pretty sure that the big cat tree by the dog room door is covered in pee at the bottom (I mean, what ISN’T?), you can kinda see a ring going around the whole thing. What’s the protocol on replacing those?

February 25, 2025 4:44 pm
Reply to  Aaron AM

It does have pee on it. There’s not really any replacing. More of a throw away if it’s gotten too bad and hope for another to be donated at some point. There is a carpet cleaner that was donated called Spot Shot, that’s behind the meds, that I haven’t had time (or memory) to try yet. Anyone who wants to give it a try please do so.

Lisa and Chris
Lisa and Chris
February 24, 2025 5:27 pm

Monday PM – no messes today. food bowls almost empty and the one in iso completely empty. Added a cup to iso bowl and 3 cups in room bowls. Kitties all calm except cannoli who kept running and diving through the tunnels. Let praline out of the cage while I was there and her and milkshake got along fine until I was about to leave and Milkshake growled at Praline. Praline is back in cage. KC, Cannoli, and Sugar Plum ended the night by getting some energy out on the fishing pole.

February 24, 2025 10:08 am

Monday AM – Food bowls were pretty full so just topped off 1 of them. 2 pee spots on the floor. Praline is very sweet and climbed into my lap to be petted. Milkshake is very chatty and wanted to play. Easy shift.

Michelle & Chloe
Michelle & Chloe
February 23, 2025 6:50 pm

Sunday PM
5:30 -7p
Food bowls full, boxes light. 4 pee blankets. Played with the orange worm. Everyone got a treat.
Praline and Milkshake were not getting along. So put Praline in the cage with litter, food, and water. Will swap out tomorrow evening.
Chores done, all is well.

February 23, 2025 8:53 am

Sunday am. No messes. Everyone was doing well. New cats are beautiful. Did chores and added 4 cups of food. Everyone played go fish and had treats

February 22, 2025 7:32 pm

Saturday PM New cats!! 🎉 Praline – DSH siamese mix, ~2 years old, male. He has entropion, an eyelid condition where the eyelid turns inward, causing the eyelashes to rub against the eyeball. He’ll get surgery to correct it and neutered on Friday. He’s very affectionate and wants all the attention. Milkshake – DSH black and white, ~3 years old, male. Sweet and wants attention, but not as obnoxious as the other. They CANNOT come out of iso yet. Remember to lock the iso door when you leave the shelter so the other cats don’t open the door. Room food… Read more »

February 22, 2025 10:10 am

Saturday am
A few pee blankets and 2 pee spots on floor but otherwise the room was pretty clean!
All chores done and waters changed out and 4 scoops of food added with Lysine
King was really sweet and not as afraid
All kitties got treats

February 21, 2025 6:43 pm

Friday PM

King cake is adorable! Except he still won’t let me pet him. He kept trying to be affectionate with the other cats but cannoli and peppermint slapped him and gilligan hissed 🙁 cannoli was being silly and kept diving into the play tunnels. He’s also still madly determined to break into the office. Scooped the litter, cleaned the floor and added 2 cups of food with the lysine. All kitties got treats

February 21, 2025 7:35 am

Friday Am
All calm & pretty relaxed kitties today. I didn’t add any food, all bowls still full. Nothing really else to report on.

Jacklyn & gianna
Jacklyn & gianna
February 20, 2025 6:39 pm

Thursday PM
Put 5 cups of food out with lysine. Room was clean. Played lots and gave out treats. All cats happy happy

Aaron AM
Aaron AM
February 20, 2025 10:09 am

The badness persists. Sugarplum and King fought over a rubber band, but Cannoli sniped it away at the last moment and emerged the victor. Gilly watched from his perch. They all got wet food and treats and scratches. Water and dry food looked essentially untouched, yet there was still plenty of scoopin’ to doopin.’ Bad kitties.

February 19, 2025 6:24 pm

Cleaned litter and floors. The cats had wet food and treats. CK seems a little more outgoing. Added lysine to food. No issues.

February 19, 2025 9:29 am

The 4 angels got wet food for breakfast. All chores done, including mopping. 2 pee spots on the floor. Cannoli has super lightening speed!
Treats also given before I left. Lysine added to fresh food.

Olivia f
Olivia f
February 18, 2025 5:00 pm

Tuesday PM
Everyone is good! Super sweet and King Cake is really coming out of his shell

Aaron AM
Aaron AM
February 18, 2025 10:17 am

These bad fat kitties had eaten nearly all the food in their bowls. There were two pee spots on the floor. They destroyed one of the feather toys during play time. Cannoli yelled at me constantly. They devoured a wet food can. They scarfed down their treats. They got 4 scoops of food and a lysine. Still ungrateful.

February 17, 2025 6:27 pm

Monday – PM – So weird with only 4 kitties. No pee blankets and one pee spot near cabinets. 1 cup of food. All kitties got pets, treats, and played with the feather.

February 17, 2025 9:54 am

Monday AM – Added 3 cups of food and lysine. Refreshed water buckets. No pee, poo, or vomit issues. A little hissing between KC and Cannoli when KC ran towards her but think he just wanted to play. Everyone got treats.

The room looks great!